Friday, September 27, 2013

Wierd theory dont read if Busy !! Everything is Infinite or A Dimension that defines

Well some really Weired stuff came to my mind. Just writing it for the sake of it.
Read it to forget it !! And don't read it if you are too busy with your work already .
Alright ! without wasting anymore time. I had thought over it for past 15 minutes -- its about Universe:

Every thing in this world (known to us) has a boundary and outside side that boundary lies the other things. For example I have a house it has boundaries and finite dimensionality (length breadth and height), outside my house lies rest of the world from my perspective !! Think of a building, there are two parts one outside and the other one inside , inside world has finite dimension but the world outside doesnt. You may challenge my perspective that outside world has some dimensions too !! But I am Including the whole Universe in the definition of outside world.

The point is that whenever you consider one system there is definitely other part outside of that system. This add upto to a un-ending progressive series.
Think of this Earth, on lines of house or building, from the perspective where we are right now (on earth itself) it is stationary and has finite dimensions, but there is part outside this earth that has some dimensions but is it finite ?

Lets answer those who consider it finite ! Some theoretical physicist say that there is dark-matter outside this Universe, and so it can be finite. If there is some matter outside of universe there must be some boundary to that matter outside of our Universe ! Universe and the matter outside of Universe can again make up a system ! So there must be something beyond that "OutsideMatter + Universe" system .
The iteration to this logic goes on forever and hence there must be lot of things outside of Universe which we are not able to see or predict or even theoretize!
So is it Infinite , a big NO !!

Lets answer those who even consider it Infinite !
Actually here is the main point of the write-up. The Infinitivity of a thing is wrongly perceived in terms of length breadth and height (even Time included) ! Thats why we are falling into the trap of defining something that goes on to a infinite progression. So what could be that dimension that could define everything to a finite levels -- put along side other dimension.
My hypothesis is that "Energy" is that dimension (here I am treating all mass as energy too, being interconvertible) : Example to prove that Energy is a dimension are :- Suppose I have a hot iron ball (which will expand and contract depending on its temperature), If I tell you the absolute about of energy that ball contains I will be able to tell you its length breadth height at any given time, but I should have a base picture of length breadth height of that ball at a given time T1.
There definitely is a relationship between the energy of a system and its dimensions. There ofcourse are various other factors that could affect this relationship between energy and dimensions such as: Kind of Iron used , initial shape of the iron ball etc etc but all of those will remain as constant one we have the base picture any any given time T1!!

Every thing can be finitely defined interms of its energy and everything is bound to have a finite amount of energy.

Dont wana think of this anymore, May be someother day!! As I said read it to forget it.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Facebook Vs Obama

Facebook Vs Obama
Or in simple words my question is:
Will Facebook rule this world or we will still need leaders and their organizations to lead us to a better tomorrow ?

This question is haunting me from 25th Jan 2011. I remember the date so clearly because it was the day Indian Stock market took another plunge owing it to Egypt. Although i am not a investor but I just keep a watch on stock market to keep track of Indian economy.
The stocks world over fell off owing to the fears of higher Oil price that if they dont get oil from Egypt the demand would further increase the oil price, although India doesnt buy much of ts oil from Egypt but even a small fear becomes a big concern when it comes to stock markets, i dont understand if investors are so Damm nervous about any Damm news why the hell they are doing the investing business. Just make a FD and have a sound sleep.

Anyways i was worried with my question since that day. Actually if you look at the history these kind of revolutions to turn up against the tyrant rulers and throw them away have been very RARE.
I was wondering why this kind of revolutions are becoming a common thing till i read another news from Egypt that mentions that a Google executive named Wael Ghonim created a FACEBOOK group that helped the movement to become a mass movement and channelise people. The group attracted hundered of thousands of members worldwide and played a prominent role in spreading the growing discontent. And as we all know whole Egypt celebrated on 11th feb as the unpopular leader stepped down for probably a better future.

But this question has been haunting me more ever since the Friday of Departure of Mubarak.
I could have convinced myself without an answer to such a stupid question.

Actually what i am worried about is the use of such social networking sites along with their authentication. These social networking sites really have immense potential. Their use had been constructive in nature till now example in case of Egypt. But i hope its good nature prevails forever and we dont start following any absurd group or fake-id or hacked-account.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

30 Minutes nahi to Free

After almost drowning in one of the many water clogged roads of Mumbai yesterday. This city is supposed to be the financial capital of the country and which is perhaps having the best infrastructure in the country drowned for the whole month of June and July (till now).

The most important roads of Mumbai were fully flooded, traffic not moving an inch on not one, not two but each and everyday that sees the black clouds.

I hear by give up on this nation once again, i pronounce that "INDIA - cannot shine" :

We live in a nation - Where Pizza reaches home faster(30 mins) than Ambulance & police,
Where you get car loan @ 5% and education loan @ 12%,
Where rice is Rs 40/- per kg but SIM card is free,
Where GDP growth rate is 6% but food inflation rate is 17%.
Where people destroy and burn their own, public buses while protesting for their demands,
Where people standing at tea stall reading an article about child labor from a newspaper and say,"yaar bachhon se kaam karvane wale ko to phansi par chadha dena chahiye" and then they shout "Oye chhotu 2 chaii laa ....."

And the chotu responds "Bhaiya liye aa rahe hai, baithiye !!! "

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Try it if you don't believe me :).

When it comes down to Entertainment like watching a movie or reading a book, most people grab the TV remote control quicker than you would think.

Lets see as to why they tend to go for Movies or TV shows than a nice detailed and interesting book :
The truth is that watching movies takes much less concentration and effort. In a world where people are looking for the easiest route to take, it makes sense that they would rather watch a movie than stimulate their brain intellectually. So, a great reason not to watch movies is to find something better to do with your time.
Reading a book often require more time than a movie. So if a person want to spend 1-2 hours for recreation he or she tend towards movies. But even if you read 100-200 pages of a book in that time it will be equally satisfying.
For most of the people the pre-requisite for reading is a peaceful environment. Which is often hard to get in a frustrating city life.
You can watch the movie in a group but u would be alone while reading.

Now lets look at some of benefits of Reading:
Reading is much better for everyone. Reading allows the mind to be more stimulated, more open, more thoughtful and you can actually learn a thing or two. Even when reading fictional books, you are intellectually tested more than when you watch a movie. In addition, most books are much less violent than today’s movies. So, if you want to have a more positive outlook on life, stay away from the negativity from movies and choose to read a book instead.
Books have no technological limits or budget constraints they are words and they can send us to boundless adventures.
Added advantages of reading books include good vocabulary as well as usage while the movies don't guarantee any of these.
Plus if you read lot u tend to develop your own thoughts and some day you may be good writer as well, but if you watch too many movies you won't become a good director. I will say, try it if you don't believe me :).

So Keep reading folks.... Special thanks to Potter to exposing me to a whole new world of books.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

U name it and its DONE !! Thats Sachin Tendulkar...

Long back, during Tendulkar's early days, when Sunil Gavaskar was asked by a TV reporter with the usual clique "Are we seeing another Gavaskar in the making?
Gavaskar replied very prophetically "you never know. the way he is batting you all may forget me, and, he may start an era of his own'

A barrier that had not been breached in 2961 one-day internationals finally fell in Gwalior in 2010, and it was fitting that the batsman with the most ODI runs became the first to touch 200 in an innings. Sachin Tendulkar, at the age of 36, drew on immense reserves of stamina, batted 50 overs, faced 147 balls and finished on 200 not out, leaving the South African attack bruised and battered. He eclipsed Saeed Anwar's 194, claiming the record of highest individual ODI score, and made 50% of India's 401. Fatigue, cramps and time have prevented players from reaching 200 before, but such was Tendulkar's speed of scoring that he got there despite facing only nine of the last 30 deliveries of the innings.

The 200 n.o. innings ended at 6:08PM on 24th Feb 2010 at Cap Roop Singh Stadium at Gwalior Vs South Africa.

Monday, October 5, 2009

My life is full miseries you know why because I am not Manglik. This kind of statement is normally heard among Hindus. Lots of people think of Manglik yog as one of worst yoga’s in jatak’s horoscope, but is it really that bad no it is not. The most dreaded concept of “Manglik” is known for conferring the results of early death of spouse or inharmonious relationships with the spouse. A native is considered to be “Manglik” when Mars is placed in the first, second, fourth, seventh, eighth or twelfth house from the natal ascendant or Moon. Some modern astro-researchers even include these positions from Venus. If all those concepts are totally true then in this way more eighty (80%) percent of the human beings are Manglik.

I don’t see any truth in this concept, though there is mention of some exceptions to the said position of Mars, yet even there are not based on any scientific or astrological logic. The said position of Mars in a horoscope does not make a native Manglik in case the Mars is a functional benefic for the natal chart. The natal charts where Mars becomes functional malefic i.e. Virgo, Scorpio and Taurus ascendant charts, it can generate the results of the so-called Manglik yoga if the association of Mars is close/exact to the middle point of the house and the lord of the house where Mars is posited, is weak. There is no exception to this combination. However, the close aspects of a efficient benefic Jupiter and the third aspect of a functional benefic Saturn are capable of warding off the evils generated by Mars to a large extent.

Mars is a hot planet and plays an important role in our horoscopes and it is the planet of action and our capacity to project or demonstrate emotions. By personality trait Mars is brave warrior, one who is also ruthless and rash. A correct balance of Martian energy is most desire bale in all lives but unfortunately; very few individuals are blessed this dynamic balance. It is normally noted that those who are Manglik are see as energetic, smart, hard worker, dedicated, ambitious and rebellious in behaviour and they get violent at the slightest instigation. The actual impact of Mars varies from one horoscope to another and it is dependent as well as affected by the degree of other housemates as well as other planets placed in different horoscopes.

Mangal (Mars) is a planet of vitality, vigour, fiery, aggressiveness, short-tempered nature and willingness to do something extraordinary. People born with a strong Mars in their horoscope display any or all of these qualities. Mars is the main hub of energy; it can be used for productive or destructive purposes. Mars positioned in the fiery signs like Aries, Leo and Sagittarius will result in a display of real Martian qualities.

From time to time I have met people who have been living life by following useless myths, misconceptions and malpractices surrounding the concept of Manglik dosha. An individual born with Mars in the first, second, fourth, seventh, eighth, or twelfth house in the birth chart from Lagna, Chandra Lagna (Moon Sign) or Venus is said to have Manglik dosha in his/her horoscope. Among these, the seventh and eighth houses are the ones to give the highest degree of dosha, whereas the second, fourth, twelfth and Lagna impart the dosha in descending degrees of intensity.

In the case of a boy, the dosha is highest for the seventh house and in case of the girl the dosha is at the peak for the eighth house. A boy with Mars in the seventh should marry a girl with Mars in either seventh or eighth house. A girl with Mars in eighth should marry only a boy with Mars in seventh. For her, a boy with Mars in the eighth will not do. When the dosha’s are not properly matched, the marriage is said to come to a number of misfortunes like quarrels, separation or death of one partner, depending on the degree of the dosha.

In addition to Mars, the fire planets Ketu and Sun also should be considered in counting the number of dosha’s in a horoscope. There is some controversy regarding Sun as it is basically noble natured. In cases of matrimony it is safer to count Sun also among the group on account of its fiery quality, but with the intensity of dosha less. In addition to the fiery planets, there is another group, which are also Papa grahas (malefics). These are Saturn and Rahu. These planets placed in similar positions should be considered in counting dosha’s. However the property of the dosha given by these planets is different - usually they are seen to cause delays in getting married, difficult relationships, bitterness and general unhappiness. Thus Saturn/ Rahu dosha’s in one horoscope cannot be matched with Mars/ Ketu dosha’s in the other horoscope.

It is normally observed that orthodox Indians - who are mostly the ones who follow astrology - girls with Manglik dosha have difficulty getting husbands. But boys with Manglik dosha are said to be in high demand - so much so that parents of Manglik boys are believed to demand higher dowry from the Manglik girl’s desperate parents. There is no logical basis for this - once a marriage takes place, both spouses are part of any misfortune that happens. Thus the non-Manglik also can suffer a bad stroke of luck if their horoscope is not properly matched with their partner’s. Matching of horoscope before marriage in cannot guarantee a successful and happy married life.

People shouldn’t be afraid about this dosha; it has nothing to do with the life threats as being talked about by astrologers in the past. Mars being a hot planet needs more energy to live life comfortably, and by energy here I mean a wonderful sexual life.

Horoscope matching shouldn’t be seen as the only tool for assessment of happy married life. It should be noticed that marriages succeed only on the basis of compatibility of the boy and the girl. If the boy and the girl both find some commonality and attraction between them then the marriage can work far better than the one imposed by the parents, just because of the Manglik dosha’s. It is observed that people with excellently matched horoscope face a bad relationship and they end up divorcing.

In case of marriage it is better to see that the two individuals should be capable enough to take decisions needed for a happy married life. Personality plays an important role in the success of marriage, in the past females didn’t had much to do in the Indian society but now things are changing and with that change the research in astrology has to bring new concepts and issues which help in development of cordial relationships.

I personally believe that it is better to give some time to the bride and the groom to get together and talk about issues of importance and then move in a relationship. With the blessings of Shri Ganesha married all ill effects of the horoscope will transform into positive yoga’s. On the positive note, a strong Mars is necessary to give us the energy, independence, will and self-confidence to carry out our endeavours. Without this we would have no real interest, passion or motivation to carry out anything to an end and accomplish its objective. On the negative side, the same aggression brings about competition, argument and conflict - which, if unchecked can lead to domination, violence, injury and disaster.

The ill effects of Mars can be minimized and the good effects can be increased according to Indian mythology by doing the following tasks.

Any or all of these, one can select as per one's convenience.· Donation of a piece of Red cloth on any Tuesday is an ideal proposition, recommended by the astrologers, as red is the colour dear to Mars.
· Wearing of coral ring made of Gold or Copper on the Index or Ring finger on any Tuesday and continuing to wear it thereafter is likely to appease Mars.
· Wearing Gold or Copper ring is also recommended to bring effective beneficial results.
· Offering Red Kaner (Red Oleander) in Hawan (Fire Sacrifices) is also an effective measure to appease Mars.
· Fasting on Tuesday is very effective effort to get the grace of the Mars. But, if fasting is not congenial to health, make a habit of using Masoor Pulse (Lentil Pulse) on Tuesday. This will prove to be substitutive.

Gaitree for Mangal Devta - Asking Mars for control, power, strength and health
Om namonhrathe bhagavathe vaasupoojya-theer-thankaraaya
shanmukha-yaksha gaanhaaree yakshee sahithaaya
Om aam krom kreem hra:
Mangalakuja mahaa-grha mama-dushta-grha roga-kashta nivaaranam
sarva-shaanthi cha kuru kuru hoom phat pracho dyaat

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

We're even more racist than anyone : Reply

This is My reply to 'Jug Suraiya' about a article published in his BLOG (
and every one of them who starts to find faluts in themselves at the time when its too sunny.

He says in his blog 'It's because we are so racist ourselves that we are so quick to react to a racist slur' - mind you Jug you are also human being and its a human nature to react to whatever wrong is said and done to it. I feel calling me black /brown is wrong then i will oppose it , because if i do not oppose it today, world won't be better.

This calling me black/brown does not matter its the feeling of hatred that makes us angry and i am not to tolerate anybodys hatred or violence, DEMOCRACY has taught us this well(atleast to the educated ones) . Even if its not against me, its against India ,its against demoracy and we will fight against it.

(Note : My protest is not against 'Jug Suraiya' its against his post)

Monday, June 8, 2009

Agony of US companies in INDIA.

Hi Guys , wana catch u guys up with the news and the cause of a reverse trend in INDIA's off-shoring.

Last night i was reading a news article from TOI that tells that many US based companies that had their back offices in India are closing them down. Closing only the offices and not the business, it was kind of surprise to me, i didn't understood why will a company close its back office in India when its keeping the Line of Business(LOB) alive. Big Companies like Citigroup Inc. and insurance firms AXA SA and Aviva PLC, among others, had sold offshore computer-programming shops and other operations in India. They are leaving after selling these IT-centres to indian outsourcing companies like TCS and Wipro.

The primary reason being they do not have enough strategies to deal with the rising pay packages of Indian Techies and hence the rising cost of their back offices. They are adopting new strategies to sell these back offices to service providers so that they can sit back and relax while the work still goes more or less the same way.

The second reason being the US president Obama, which is discouraging off-shoring more than the Outsourcing. There has been a serious impact of the US government policies lately.

The third one because of which they are selling these to Indian service provides is the trust in the Indian IT sector. These companies like TCS, WIPRO, INFY, COGNI etc have done fairly even in the worst kind of market and are trust worthy.

May be their moves are right or may be they are wrong, we Indian won't suffer anyways.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Meet Your Real father

I was reading about our fore-fathers, of course after the google home page displayed it

New Fossil , Links Humans, Lemur

The species below are arranged in the order of 1st grand father then second is their sons then third is the sons of second.

Australopithecus afarensis:
The most famous member of this species is Lucy, an adult female skeleton discovered in 1974 and nicknamed after a Beatles song. Lucy lived about 3.18 million years ago and was fully capable of walking and running on two legs.

They were the actual apes who are your fore-father.

Australopithecus africanus:
Australopithecus africanusHe was an early descendent of Lucy and lived in Southern Africa between 2 million and 3 million years ago. Its brain was larger than Lucy's and its facial features were more human-like.

But scientists have taken the pain to create its sketch.
The cheeks are quite elongated much be fun touching their cheeks and teasing them.

Paranthropus aethiopicus
This early ape-like hominid walked on two legs and lived between 2.8 million and 2.2 million years ago. Based on skull measurements, scientists concluded this species had the smallest adult hominid brain ever discovered.

Scientist say they had the smallest brains, i say they didn't even had the capacity to keep that brain.

Paranthropus bosei
If P. bosei and its relatives weren't such picky eaters, we might not be here to wonder about them. They split from the line leading to modern human some 2 million years ago and lived alongside our ancestors for millions of years, but died out after failing to adapt their diets.

Well they had perfect circles for their eye balls, and that too the size of a golf ball.

Homo habilis
Many scientists believe H. habilis is the missing link between the ape-like hominids like Lucy and the more human-like ones that came after. It had long ape-like arms but walked on two feet and was capable of creating crude tools.

Oh no the ancestors lost their cheek bones.

Homo ergaster
Scientists can't decide whether this African hominid is just a failed predecessor of H. erectus or the rightful ancestor of modern humans. It had a thinner skull than H. erectus and was more proficient at making tools and using fire.

Their brain size is growing and i can see it !!

Homo erectus
For H. erectus, it may have paid to be dense. According to one theory, males rammed each other with their thick skulls in order to win females. H. erectus is generally believed to be the direct ancestor of modern humans and also the first hominid to live in caves and tame fire.

Oh no i have seen a man like him once. He was my ancestor i didn't knew. This time i will catch hold of him.

Homo floresiensis
It turns out those Floresians were actually on to something. For centuries, their mythology described a race of very small human-like creatures called the Ebu Gogo. Hardly anyone took them seriously, however, until 2003, when word broke that a new species of diminutive hominids was discovered on the Indonesian island.

Wow, our one of the ancestors did lived up till 2003, and we idiots, let them get extinct.

These people looked identical to modern humans and lived in Europe between 35,000 and 10,000 years ago. Their cave paintings and sculptures are the earliest known examples of art by a prehistoric people.

These already look cunning, living in Europe and thinking of capturing that time.

Stocky and squat and well suited for the cold, Neanderthals looked distinctly different from modern humans. But they were like us in other ways: they buried their dead, cared for their sick and injured and may have been capable of language and music. Scientists recently put together a complete Neanderthal skeleton and are working on the genome.

They seem to resemble the ice man, but really it is said that u could still find these Neaderthal on south poles.

Thanks for reading, i hope u learnt something abt ur father ;) . Cheers to HOMO-SAPIENS.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

The Tequila of IPL 09

Sachin Tendulkar may loath strategy breaks during the Indian Premier League matches but I finds nothing wrong in it, rather it could actually help if used appropriately.

Commercial benefits could have driven the idea but still it is not something without virtue.

Twenty20 is a compressed and shortened form of cricket and you need time to execute your plans on the field. The extra time given after 10 overs as a strategy break should come in handy if it is tactically used.

The break is seven-and-a-half minute long, introduced in the this 09 , the second edition of IPL,
I ask my readers the question, why has it created a buzz in the cricketing fraternity with many players questioning its worth.
The players say the break ends up breaking the momentum of the game with batsmen at the receiving end. Many former cricketers criticised the idea as a pure money making exercises through extra this advertisement slot but i really sees no wrong in it.

The commercial angle cannot be denied but it also serves as a break in which teams can regroup and analyse the match situation, which is so vital in any format of the game.

Anyways, whatever the senior players and the commentators feel, i feel like its a tequila Shot.
It has changed the IPL 09 as quickly as F-16 fighter planes clearing the AL-Qaeda out of Afghanistan, its really like a quick shot of tequila - giving full throttle to the IPL party going on in SA this Yr.

Hope every one is enjoying all the three - IPL , Taquila , My Blog. ;)

Speaking about my favourite team in this 09, the second edition of the event, i was with Mumbai Indians but i have started feeling a love for Delhi Daredevils too.

Monday, March 23, 2009

The Miraculous Drink.

This is post is about the last night when i was sitting alone(best time to write a blog) and thinking for what will i do the next day and the reason for it.
We do tons of activities in a day, some are repeated like rituals,some are new, some are intentional, some are last- moment -activities-to save -the-day and some are reactions to someone else's activities (Newton's third law).

Are we meant to do the same things, the same job over and over again and do not learn anything new. I can surely say a big 'NO' for every individual including me. We have a thirst for much more bigger much more miraculous.
Think about a ANDROID, the more readily they become accessible to the people, the more readily we(people stuck up with same kind of Job) will be running out of Work. We are not a piece of mechanical junk(Mech guys - don't take me wrong) that is programmed to do more or less the same work over and over again.
We know, our brain really is a wonderful machine with unending powers (proof- you are reading my post) and capacities (proof - I am writing this). We can do the unthinkable with this machine. Few very simple things like breathing , like opening our eyes to see the light, like recognizing ourselves in a mirror, like recognizing voices, like uttering word , like how we connect all these things, like the 1st man and the women on earth who interacted among themselves to produce us, no one actually taught humans to do these things.
Its the Brain-Machine which made us do all those things and its the brain which will find more with time and evolution.
We just have to open up to feel the THIRST and do at least one NEW thing in our life every day.
And with time we will discover the miraculous drink, the one which unleashes much more powers of the mighty brain. Making human more connected more advanced more dominating and more devastating.
The mysteries of NATURE are unending and miraculous.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

A Different Color.

Yes as per the subjects line the talk here is all about our beloved fest HOLI.

To tell you the truth i have celebrated it in a different Color, every year of my life.
Although i am writing this blog out here but hopefully u all will find the similarities in the ways we have celebrated HOLI since our child hood till date.

Every child in the world has a special love for festivals and a zeal to celebrate them.
When we were small we celebrated HOLI with Pichkari(Water gun) - of shapes varying from one looking like a small Gun to the one looking like a Rocket. With these small water guns we used to run all over the places trying hit the water Jet directly in the eyes of the people.
At age of around 10-12 years, we celebrated it with the water balloons and after that came the buckets. Then buckets were replaced by drums and i remember once upon a time we did find a Tube-Well at a farm house of a friend. Holi was really a fun packed festival every time every year.

The few thing we all love about holi is Colours, Thandai, Gujiya, Dahee-Bade, and the hectic Bath after having played the Holi in high spirits. Yesterday i went to buy some Gujiya for myself, so that I don't miss my MOM for Gujiyas. Eating Gujiya is the best entertaining option if you are not playing with colors.

To tell you more about the most loved moments of Holi celebration in our very own BANARAS in the HOSTEL of MECH-07 in 2nd Year.
Since the last evening some of them(Mech bonds) have left the garden taps open and by the morning time a huge potion of the garden had turned into a pond filled with muddy water. Then the real Holi began, we brought each and every one of the fellas from their rooms and threw them directly into the Pit.
The funniest moment was when one Guy entered from the hostel gate on his bike, and the moment he saw us playing Holi like that, he just stopped the bike then and there and ran away, he also left the keys of the bike. But we chased him and tore away all his clothes as punishment then drowned him in the same pit. But very soon, we were also left with few rags to cover ourselves. :)
After the Mud bath we played the regular colorful holi. In the afternoon started the tiresome cleaning process but after that was the turn of Thandai mixed with Bhang to complete the fun for the day.

Today in Job life, none of us(Mech-07) hope to get the same kind of fun and we are not sad as we do understand that its of
'A Different Color' every time.

Friday, March 6, 2009

The Hangover.

Most of you may have guessed the contents after reading the caption.

This day: Friday night 6th of March 09, i choose to write a blog.

There are only few days in your life when u get to feel the loneliness and the silence. At times we are so much involved in life we do not get occasions like this, the occasion when u can talk to yourself and then realize many untouched and unattended feelings. This day u realize what life pulls you into. 'It' pulled us into a barrel of troubles and each drop of the barrel was meant to be drunk by none other than Us.

Yesterday, i was in Delhi for a marriage of college friend, some of the members of MECH BONDS 07 were also there.
Three days with them was like a quick nap and even the last moments spent with them didn't make me realize the worst part of it, PG (Mechanical GOD) call this worst part as

Yesterday's masti(fun) didn't made me realize the Ugly face of This day, it is as if the green color of the grass has vanished and it is all pale t0day , it is as if the water has lost its miscible properties today and as if the smoke is sinking down rather than rising up.

Today i lie in my bed with The Hangover, waiting to move on like every other time it had happened.